What is halotherapy?

Halotherapy, also known as Dry Salt Therapy, is a holistic approach that mimics the microclimate of a salt cave.

Dry salt is heated, ground up, and then dispersed into an enclosed environment through a unique process generated by a halogenerator.

When these micro-sized particles are inhaled into the respiratory system, they do their job by absorbing and removing allergens, toxins, and foreign substances in your lungs and throughout your respiratory tract.

Salt reduces inflammation and opens airway passages making it easier to breathe. Dry Salt Therapy provides amazing skin rejuvenating benefits when the epidermis is exposed during treatment.

Solo Sun, Sand + Salt Room:
$35 for 30 minutes

2+ Salt Room:
$35 per person for 45 minutes

Salt Room Descriptions

  • Our Salt Room can fit 2 or 3 people very comfortably.

    A minimum of 2 people are required to book this room. This room has zero-gravity chairs and jade & tourmaline heated mats.

    Duration: 45 minutes

    Price: $35.00 per person

  • Our Sun Sand & Salt room gives the same halotherapy benefits as our larger salt room.

    This is a 1 person room and also includes a “happy light” and a jade & tourmaline heated mats.

    Duration: 35 minutes

    Price: $35.00

IMPORTANT HEALTH NOTE: Salt therapy is not recommended for individuals with severe hypertension, cancer, open wounds, heart problems, 3rd stage COPD (spitting blood), infectious disease, fever, or active tuberculosis.

*Save 25% with a Salt Therapy Monthly Membership*

*Save 25% with a Salt Therapy Monthly Membership*